Eight Dial Homeopathic Remedy Maker (Potentiser)
Natural Patient is proud to offer a homeopathic Remedy Maker with 8 dial Rates section and Potency selection facilities of 1 to 999 X, C, M, CM, MM, and LM. Additionally, there is an amplification system enabling remedies to be made with power levels of 0 – 250 units and our unique “Lock System”. As well as using this device to originate Homeopathic Remedies, you can also use the device to copy any homeopathic remedy, or in fact, any Energy Remedy! This Potentiser can be used to transmit remote healing to patients, simply by placing the remedy you wish to send in the Copy Well and a witness from the patient, such as a hair sample, in the Receive Well. This device is lightweight and portable. The overall dimensions of the device are 250 mm long x 200 mm wide x 90 mm deep.
Power Function
To give you an idea of what is meant by power units, homeopathic remedies bought at a pharmacy have been dowsed and have been found to always contain around 30 power units. You can think of this power unit as being something like Watts, (it is the amount of actual energy in the remedy). Our machine can increase this to as much as 250 units.
Lock Feature
Our unique “Lock” Feature prevents remedies losing energy. Many people who have used Homeopathic and Energy Remedies may have noticed that those remedies tend to fade with prolonged storage or even bought over the counter using a barcode reader, and if stored next to strong smelling substances, or accidentally touched with the palm of the hand, they may have lost their potency completely. This remarkable feature developed by Gillian Lee is quite unique and brought into action by depressing a single switch for a couple of seconds after the remedy has been made. The potency section includes a three-digit multi-turn selector, which can be very quickly moved to the setting of your choice, it also has a locking lever to ensure your selection is not altered Potency selection facilities of 1 to 999 X, C, M, CM, MM, and LM. Additionally, there is an amplification system enabling remedies to be made with power levels of 0 – 250 units and our unique “Lock System”.
Rates Remedy Selection
The Rates section has eight dials each calibrated 0 – 10, with a blank space on each dial as a neutral position. The Potentiser is supplied with a rates book, containing approx. 3500 Rates. The Rate number is set from the top dials, left to right, and on the bottom dials also left to right. The device has an output lead and clip allowing vibrations to be fed to larger receptacles, potentising material too big to fit into the Receive well or larger quantities of tablets.
To Operate
The preparation of a remedy from an existing sample is a simple operation without succusion / dilution or mechanical agitation nor the use of electricity or other external energy source.
To Copy an Existing Homeopathic Remedy
The unique energy pattern of any Homeopathic Potency from any other Homeopathic Potency of the same substance can easily be created. Place the remedy to be copied into the COPY, set the potency and power required by adjusting the central knobs and three-digital dial. Place the substance to be potentised into the RECEIVE, and finally press the “make” switch for three seconds and “lock” switch also for three seconds.
To Create a unique energy pattern from a substance or combination of substances
Place the sample of the substance or substances into the COPY (crystal, plant, fossil, etc.). Set the potency and power required by adjusting the central knobs and three-digit dial. Place the substance to be potentised into the RECEIVE, and finally press the “make” switch for three seconds and the “lock” switch for further three seconds. Note that a remedy created from a saliva sample often proves to be an effective remedy!
To Create a “Rates” Remedy
Set the dials to the “Rates” sequence, as selected from your “Rates Book”, for the remedy required. Place the substance to be potentised into the RECEIVE, and finally press the “make” switch for three seconds and the “lock” switch also for three seconds. The “Rates Book” contains dial sequences of Homeopathic Remedies, Homeopathic Nosodes, Bach Flower Remedies, Radioactive Isotopes, Vitamins, Bio-chemical remedies, Elements, Compounds, Disease, Chakras, Constellation Jewels and Mental Conditions.
To create a personalised Remedy
The experienced Healer Dowser can dowse for the “Dial Sequence” and “Potency” required for any condition and then the instructions shown to create a “Rates” remedy are carried out. The substance to be potentised Un-medicated tablets, mineral water with a drop of alcohol (i.e. Brandy), oil, crystals, etc., are all suitable.
This Deluxe Eight Dial Potentiser is priced at £695.00 plus postage.
To Order contact:quantumdoctor1@yahoo.com